Route along art and game design (on location)
#LANDSCAPES 2.0 is all about creation at the interface between tradition and innovation, between craftsmanship and art. Inspired by the masterpieces of the Kortrijk painting collection, students of the renowned game design school DAE designed a series of new interactive environments. These are confronted with multimedia installations by contemporary artists working on similar themes and techniques.
Opening hours: do - so 14h - 18h
Locations: DASH / Academie Kortrijk, Groeninge Abbey, Broelkaai 6, BuBox/horse stables, Public space
With work of: Stijn Cole, Stefan Peters, Sara Bjarland, DAE (digital arts & entertainment - Howest), Alexander Stragier, Roelandt Savrey, Meggy Rustamova, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Nazanin Fakoor
Partners: City of Kortrijk, Museums of Kortrijk, BuBox, Howest, Be-Part, DASH, Buda vzw
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